Shuai Zu,† Tianyang Han,† Meiling Jiang,† Zhixin Liu,† Qiao Jiang,† Feng Lin,† Xing Zhu,†,‡,∥ and Zheyu Fang*,†,‡,§
Abstract: Chiral light-matter interactions as an emerging aspect of quantum optics enable exceptional physical phenomena and advanced applications in nanophotonics through the nanoscale exploitation of photon-emitter interactions. The chiral radiative properties of quantum emitters strongly depend on the photonic environment, which can be drastically altered by plasmonic nanostructures with a high local density of states (LDOS). Hence, precise knowledge of the chiral photonic environment is essential for manipulating the chirality of light-matter interactions, which requires high resolution chiral characterization techniques. In this work, chiral radiative LDOS distributions of single plasmonic nanostructures that directly govern the chiral radiative spontaneous decay of quantum emitters are imaged at the nanoscale by using cathodoluminescence nanoscopy, enabling precise and highly efficient control of chiral photon emission for chiroptical technologies. Radiative LDOS hot-spots with the chirality larger than 93% are obtained by properly designing chiral plasmonic modes of Au nanoantennas. After fabricating monolayered WSe2 nanodisks (NDs) at chiral radiative LDOS hotspots and forming ND/Au hybrid nanostructures, the chiral radiative properties of WSe2 NDs are significantly modified, leading to chiral photoluminescence. Our experimental concept and method provide an effective way to characterize and manipulate chiral light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, facilitating future applications in chiral quantum nanophotonics such as singlephoton sources and light emission devices
Nano Letters, 2019. 19(2)