Qiao Jiang,‡a Bowen Du,‡a Meiling Jiang,a Donglin Liu,a Zhixin Liu,a Bowen Li,a Zheng Liu, b Feng Lin,a Xing Zhua and Zheyu Fang*a
Abstract:Two-dimensional materials are ideal platforms for intriguing physics and optoelectronic applications because of their ultrathin thicknesses and excellent properties in optics and electronics. Further studies on enhancing the interaction between light and two-dimensional materials by combining metallic nanostructures have generated broad interests in recent years, such as enhanced photoluminescence, strong coupling and functional optoelectronics. In this work, an ultrathin circular polarimeter consisting of chiral plasmonic metasurface and monolayer semiconductor is proposed to detect light with different circular polarization within a compact device. A designed chiral plasmonic metasurface with sub-wavelength thickness is integrated with monolayer MoSe2, and the circular-polarization-dependent photocurrent responses of right and left circularly polarized light for both left- and right-handed metasurfaces are experimentally demonstrated. The photoresponse circular dichroism is also obtained, which further indicates the remarkable performance of the proposed device in detecting and distinguishing circularly polarized light. This design offers a great potential to realize multifunctional measurements in an ultrathin and ultracompact two-dimensional device for future integrated optics and optoelectronic applications with circularly polarized light.
Nanoscale, 2020. 12(10)