Miaoyi Deng, Xiao Wang, Jianing Chen, Ziwei Li, Mengfei Xue, Zhiyuan Zhou, Feng Lin, Xing Zhu, Zheyu Fang
Abstract:Monolayered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are one kind of hexagonal 2D semiconductors with a direct bandgap structure. Due to the property of natural broken inversion symmetry in the lattice, the strong spin–orbit coupling of electrons in TMDs can induce degenerate levels with antiparallel spins in K and K′ valleys, which selectively respond with external light excitations. Surface plasmon resonance with efficient electromagnetic enhancement and near-field coupling provides excellent potential opportunities to modulate valley emission of TMDs. Efforts have been devoted to investigating the interaction principles and applications of this research field. This review focuses on plasmonic modulation of valleytronic emission in TMDs with surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) and localized surface plasmons (LSP) based on different modulation principles, respectively, and discusses possible research directions for future device applications.
Advanced Functional Materials, 2021. 31(20)
Adv Funct Materials - 2021 - Deng.pdf