Journal Publications (published)
: graduate students working with me
1. Ying Zhou, Guust Nolet and F. A. Dahlen (2003), "Surface sediment effects on teleseismic P
wave amplitude", Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, No. B8, 2471, 2002JB002331.
2. Ying Zhou, F. A. Dahlen and Guust Nolet (2004), "3-D sensitivity kernels for surface-wave
observables", Geophysical Journal International, 158, 142-168.
3. Ying Zhou, F. A. Dahlen, Guust Nolet and Gabi Laske (2005), “Finite-frequency effects in
global surface-wave tomography", Geophysical Journal International, 163, 1087-1111.
4. Ying Zhou, Guust Nolet, F. A. Dahlen and Gabi Laske (2006), "Global upper-mantle
structure from finite-frequency surface-wave tomography", Journal of Geophysical Research,
111, B04304,doi: 10.1029/2005JB003677.
5. F. A. Dahlen and Ying Zhou (2006), "Surface-wave group-delay and attenuation kernels",
Geophysical Journal International, 165, 545-554.
6. Ying Zhou (2009), "Surface-wave sensitivity to 3-D anelasticity (Q)", Geophysical Journal
International, 178, 1403-1410
7. Ying Zhou (2009), "Multi-mode 3-D surface-wave sensitivity kernels in radially anisotropic
media", Geophysical Journal International, 176, 865-888.
8. Youyi Ruan* and Ying Zhou (2010), "The effects of 3-D anelasticity (Q) structure on
surface-wave phase delays", Geophysical Journal International, 181, 479-492.
9. Ying Zhou, Qinya Liu and Jeroen Tromp (2011), "Surface-wave sensitivity: Mode summation and adjoint SEM", Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05212.x.
10. Yue Tian, Ying Zhou, Karin Sigloch, Guust Nolet and Gabi Laske (2011), "Structure of
North American mantle constrained by simultaneous inversion of multiple-frequency SH, SS,
and Love waves", Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, doi:10.1029/2010JB007704
11. Youyi Ruan* and Ying Zhou (2012), "The effects of 3-D anelasticity (Q) structure on
surface-wave amplitudes", Geophysical Journal International, doi:
12. Kui Liu* and Ying Zhou (2013). "Effects of global crustal thickness variations on
surface-wave phase delays ", Geophysical Journal International, 192, 773-792.
13. Jing Xue*, Ying Zhou and Yongshun Chen (2015). "Tomographic resolution of plume
anomalies in the lowermost mantle", Geophysical Journal International, 201, 979-995.
14. Kai Deng* and Ying Zhou, (2015). "Wave diffraction and resolution of mantle transition
zone discontinuities in receiver function imaging", Geophysical Journal International, 201
Journal Publications (in revision or submission)
: graduate students working with me
15. Kui Liu* and Ying Zhou, "Global finite-frequency Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps", in
revision for Geophysical Journal International.
16. Kui Liu* and Ying Zhou, "Rayleigh-wave finite-frequency sensitivity for interstation
measurements", in submission to Geophysical Journal International.
17. Youyi Ruan* and Ying Zhou, "Finite-frequency effects in 3-D anelastic models", in
submission to Geophysical Journal International.
Journal Publications (in preparation)
: graduate students working with me
18. Ying Zhou and Kui Liu, "Traveling-wave mode summation for long-period seismograms", in
advanced preparation for Geophysical Journal International.
19. Ying Zhou, "Surface-wave mode coupling for calculation of body-wave sensitivity
kernels", in preparation for Geophysical Journal International.
20. Ying Zhou, "Finite-frequency sensitivity kernels for receiver functions", in preparation for
Geophysical Journal International.
21. Ying Zhou and Jeroen Tromp, “The scale dependence of finite-frequency effects”,
manuscript in advanced preparation for Geophysical Journal International.